Terrific Tooth Whitening

Dealing With Oral Issues? How Full Mouth Reconstruction Can Help

The condition of your teeth is about much more than how they look. Sure, nearly everyone would love to have a perfect, Hollywood smile that seems to light up a room. However, oral problems are often much more than skin deep, and if you aren't happy with the appearance of your grin you could be facing some very serious issues that require more than just a simple dental cleaning. If your oral maladies seem to have taken on a life of their own and brushing and flossing no longer do the trick, learn more about why you may need to see a dentist to find out if you are a candidate for full mouth reconstruction. Read More 

Should You See An Emergency Dentist? Here Are Ways To Tell

Dental emergencies are possible even if you maintain good oral hygiene. In some cases, these dental problems may not be serious, requiring that you pay more attention to flossing and brushing your teeth regularly. However, there are instances where you have to visit a dentist. Here are some signs you should watch out for so that you know when to visit a dental clinic: A Loose Tooth A loose tooth isn't something you should overlook because, unlike children, adults have fully mature, strong teeth. Read More 

3 Reasons To Use Dental Veneers

Dental veneers can improve or fix your teeth in a few different ways. When might you consider having veneers attached to one or more of your teeth? 1. Your Want More Effective Whitening If you want to whiten your teeth, then your dentist can give you the safest and most effective treatment. However, your dentist can only do so much here. For example, they might not be able to get your teeth as white as you want if you want to make a significant improvement on your natural tooth color. Read More 

Is Your Oral Abscess a Dental Emergency?

If you have a pimple-like bulge around your gum tissue that is painful, you may be dealing with an oral abscess or periapical infections. Some people may ignore an abscess in hopes that it will go away, but abscesses need to be treated. Take a look at why abscesses happen, why they are considered a dental emergency, and how to treat them. What Causes It, and What Are the Symptoms? Read More 

Using Invisalign? Know How To Keep Your Alignment Trays Clean

Have you decided to use Invisalign to make corrections to the position of your teeth? If so, you were likely attracted to the procedure because of the plastic alignment trays that are nearly invisible to others. While those trays will get thrown away eventually, it's still important to keep them clean during the alignment process. Here are some tips that will help you get the job done. Toothbrush And Toothpaste Read More