While there is a genetic factor at play, poor oral hygiene habits are more often than not the reason for tooth decay and periodontitis. Teaching your children from a very young age how to properly brush and floss will increase their chances of enjoying good oral health as adults. Tooth decay is one of the most common childhood disorders, even more prevalent than asthma. Tooth decay is not only painful and unsightly, but it can also disrupt a child's abilities to learn, pay attention at school, speak, eat, and even sleep.
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If you have any missing teeth, then your dentist may recommend that you have dental implants replace them. This will give you the appearance of a full smile once again and ensure that eating is not so difficult for you. Here's what you can expect during the process of a dental implant appointment:
How Much Time it Will Take
A typical single dental implant takes about an hour or two. This includes the time that it takes for the anesthesia to kick in, as well.
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If you know that you need to have a dental extraction in the near future for any reason, you must understand the importance of recovery afterwards. Knowing how to recover from the procedure properly will ensure that you are able to avoid major complications. Here's what you need to know:
Bleeding: Bleeding after you have had a tooth extraction is normal, but only for about a day. Be sure that you are using the gauze that your dentist has provided you to bite down on when you notice any bleeding during this time.
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Why do you fear teeth decay? It's probably because you don't want to lose your teeth, deal with the associated pain and preserve your beautiful milky white teeth. These are all good motivational points as far as oral health is concerned.
In children, however, there are other things to worry about as far as teeth decay is concerned. It seems that teeth decay in childhood can lead to low weight and stunted growth.
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First impressions are usually the ones that last the longest. This is at least what most people used to think, although there was no scientific reasoning backing that belief. However, a recent research study conducted by the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) found a positive correlation between a great smile and a good first impression. This article explains why cosmetic dentistry will help you make good first impressions.
The importance of appearance
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