Why You Should Opt For Pressed Ceramic Veneers

A feldspathic veneer, which is the traditional forms of ceramic veneers, is made by painting a tooth model with different layers of ceramic. The resulting product is then baked. The baking reduces changes the veneer in different ways (for example it may shrink), so the process is repeated to get it right. Pressed ceramic veneers, a new form of veneers, is currently gaining traction in its use. The fabrication process involves waxing a tooth to form a particular shape of the tooth, melting out the wax, injecting it with ceramic, and putting it under high pressure. Read More 

3 Reasons Laughing Gas Is A Better Choice Than Oral Sedation

If you have to undergo major dental surgery, your dentist will likely recommend general anesthesia. But what about those middle-of-the-road procedures like tooth extraction and dental implant insertions? Surely, these procedures would be tough to go through without any sort of sedation, but being completely knocked out seems like overkill. Chances are, if you need a moderately involved dental procedure, your dentist will recommend either an oral sedative or laughing gas to help relax you. Read More 

Is Your Speech Suffering From Dental Issues? These 3 Devices Can Fix It

Missing and misaligned teeth are two dental related issues that can cause you to have poor speech. Every single tooth that you have plays a crucial role in how you pronounce words and chew your food. If you were to lose a tooth or have one that as crooked, it can impact your life in several ways. For example, teeth will drift to close a gap caused by a missing tooth. Read More 

Things You Need To Know About Perio-Implantitis

Dental implants are one of the most preferred ways of replacing missing teeth since they look and behave exactly like a natural tooth. These false teeth consist of a metal post that is inserted into the jaw bone, where it fuses in place. A false tooth, or crown, is then placed on top of the post. Although most implants last a lifetime, occasionally one may fail. Understanding why this occurs can help you prevent problems with your implants. Read More 

3 Tips For Better Dental Health

Having teeth you're proud of may directly increase your confidence level. This is one of the first things others may notice when you meet another person. The fact is that you simply can't take back first impressions. So, if you want to make some necessary changes to your teeth, you may need to take some action on your own time.  By knowing specific tips that can assist you in achieving a better smile, you will be well on your way to do so. Read More