3 Dental Treatments For Periapical Periodontitis

Periapical periodontitis is a lesion that forms around the apex or base of the tooth roots. The lesion forms due to the presence of bacterial infection either in the soft tissue around the roots, inside the roots, or inside the root canal within the tooth. The lesion can create tooth sensitivity and gum pain and can help the infection keep recurring if the lesion isn't treated.

What are the potential treatments for periapical periodontitis? Here are a few of the options you can discuss with your family dentist or general dentist.

Root Canal Therapy

Dental infections often take hold within the root canal that's inside the tooth and contains sensitive tissue and blood cell material called pulp. If the pulp becomes damaged, the tooth becomes less vital. If the pulp dies, the tooth dies and will need to be removed. Your dentist can clean out the infection within the tooth using root canal therapy and, by cutting off the source of the infection, the lesion will clear up on its own.

Root canal therapy starts with the dentist drilling a small hole into your tooth for access to the canal. The infected pulp material is then carefully scraped out with a handheld tool, and the tooth is sealed shut with a dental crown.


If the tooth becomes infected again quickly after root canal therapy, there is likely an apex infection that will need to be treated with an apexification.

Apexification involves the dentist cutting into the soft tissue and jawbone to fully access the apexes. The infected material is scrapped out, and then the apexes are trimmed off.  Your dentist might also opt to trim off the lesion at this time. The ends of the roots are then sealed with the biocement to give the tooth time to heal before pulp tries to enter into the roots again.

Extraction and Dental Replacement

If the dental infection has already killed the pulp, the tooth will need to be extracted. The dentist will also remove the roots and the attached lesion at the time of extraction. You might want to quickly schedule a dental replacement option to keep the remaining natural teeth from moving out of position.

Dental implants are a natural feeling and looking replacement option that boost another benefit. The jawbone-implanted metal root provides subtle friction in the bone and soft tissue similar to what is provided by a natural tooth. This friction keeps that bone and tissue regenerating and healthy in a process that doesn't happen with other, friction-free dental replacement options.

For more information, visit http://greeleydentalhealth.com or a similar website.
